I can just tell this little sex kitten
"Amber Heard" is gonna be one of my new found faves, along side
Evan Rachel Wood or
Rose McGowen. Why does every actress I love end up in the arms of
Marilyn Manson? Wow world low and behold we're going to have an it girl with talent, what a concept, famous for being good at something. Oh and she's got awsome style... I'm looking forward to her upcoming role in the horror flick
"All the Boys love Mandy Lane"!!! I've always had a thing for B list horror films but this looks like a
step up. I'm pretty sure this indie hottie will be the next chick designers will be all over. I know I am already one of them. Oh and don't let me forget to give a shout out to my girl
Beatrice Neumann for shooting such hot photo's for
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