KRISTEN: So I have been watching the series documentaries about you on IFC. Its really cool to see an intimate look into an artist life , past and present. Could you tell us how that project came about?
ELLEN: I met Joe Swanberg last year when he found me through my blog, staggstreet.com. He approached me to be in his movie "Nights and Weekends". After we met in person to talk about the movie, i told him how I wanted some one to Document my blog shoots to show them that it is very laid back and funny how us girls are. He thought that was a great idea and filmed me and Justine Joli, which he then used as the "pilot" to the show "The Stagg Party" he pitched to IFC. They loved it and we started filming.
KRISTEN: REALLY admire the fact that you've figured out a way to do exactly what is all yours and get paid for it through Stagg Street. How is that going and when did the idea pop into your head to go about this project.
ELLEN: When I started shooting women in the adult industry in 2005, I had no place to put the images. So through the suggestion of my friend, J. Nicely, I started my blog in May 2007, but always did have it in mind to launch a paid site. The blog was just to start a fan base, which i really didn't know how big it would be.
KRISTEN: To you what is the fine line between pornography and erotica. I believe its the amount of thought that goes into it. What is it that you think defines the difference between you and the average run of the mill photographer...By the way its super cool that your a girl doing this in the industry that tended to be controlled by men in the past.
ELLEN: The line between porn and erotic to me is that art is shot for the artist, porn is shot for the audience. Porn is about titillating a certain crowd and not really caring about quality, just getting some one off. My photos are erotic cause I want them to be beautiful images i want to look at that i then share with friends and fans.
and maybe it has been easier for me to get my models and have that certain edge since i am a women, but i do look at people differently than other photographers from all my images erotic or commercial. I want to make images i'm proud of.
KRISTEN: I LOVED the series on Kukula with Justine Joli. I was wondering how you got the costumes made for that and if any other artist are inspiring you currently for your next collaboration?
ELLEN: I got the costumes by making them myself and buying props. I put a ton of work into it and we shot for a very long day, 10am to 2am. I really wanted to make it perfect, and I ended up becoming friends with Kukula thru those images, since she really liked them. I also did a fashion story for YRB based on Patrick Nagel which was awesome. When it comes to my next shot or project i think i would like to do erotic tarot cards. i think that would be super hot.
KRISTEN: I think it would be cool to see you do like an x-rated Alice and Wonderland but that;s just me. Do you ever get inspired in fairy tales I mean on and for the adult market.
ELLEN: I do, but i more get inspired by films and the lighting in films. I love 9 1/2 weeks, which i use a lot of blinds to shot light from.
KRISTEN: Is it hard working at home,as an artist it is hard for me,down right challenging?
ELLEN: Its not hard, I'm pretty motivated and i have been doing it for a while. The hardest part is getting stuck at home. I barely leave my house, i think that can be depressing.
KRISTEN: So who are your idols? The people you looked up to as a young gal in CT?
ELLEN: I loved Madonna when I was younger, plus in high school I listened to a lot of Riot Grrl. When i was very little i loved Barbie too, and always wanted to be a blonde like her, now I am.
KRISTEN: I absolutely adore that you get to work with the beautiful sex goddess Justine Joli on regular basis. What an amazing Muse. You know its funny because in interviews she doesn't quite come off like she does on her seductive picks. Still gorgeous but do you agree? What is the adult star like off camera???
ELLEN: Justine is awesome and too sweet. a lot of adult models have 2 sides to them, their stage person and their real person. Justine is a sex god on camera and a fun, free spirited geek off. She is awesome to shoot since she is always down for almost everything and the 2 of us talk like best girlfriends. I'm very happy and lucky to have her in my life.
KRISTEN: Who do you plan on working with in the future?
ELLEN: I still want to shoot sasha grey, but she is very busy. I e-mail her every time I go out to LA, and she writes me back every time being nice about that fact that she is busy. Otherwise I'm pretty open to who ever will get naked for me, as long i they are professional and they don't flake.
KRISTEN: Has being a controversial adult photographer ever hindered you from getting a job,if not how do you manage to over come that and get the job?
ELLEN: Yes, i was shooting look books for a friend for 8 plus years and she stopped working with me cause i'm getting to well known for shooting "porn". I'm no longer friends with this person. but besides that, it hasn't hindered me with any one else. i have an agent who takes care of all my commercial clients, so i just keep them separate right now.
KRISTEN: I can tell you are 100% true to yourself and I so admire that. With your vision that is. Has it always been that way for you?
ELLEN: Yes and no, i go back and forth. I have had bad advice from past agents, friends and boyfriends. but i realize now being over 30 that it is way too important to be true to your self. One, you find better people to be in your life, cause you won't be living a lie and two cause you'll be making better work that way. my best photos come from my heart.
KRISTEN: I know you have a strong intrigue for the seductive power of scent from reading Siege's little post on his old blog. How have you gotten into that. And where can we buy the porncentric scent? It makes sense that a highly sexual artist would be into mixing up the perfect seductive potion. Just how seductive is it and why do you think that is.
ELLEN: I started making my own perfume "Stagg" 5 years ago when I was reading about aromatherapy and scents magical properties. And just a year ago I was asked to bottle it. It sells at www.plumstyle.com in the LES. It is made from oils that represent devotion, magnetism and love. it has mostly magnolia in it with other ingredients including a secret one. I get way too many compliments on the way i smell from girls to boys, so i decided to share it.
KRISTEN: You are quit a sexy gal yourself could you tell us about your beauty regimen?
ELLEN: There not much too it besides i bleach, wax, laser, shave, pluck like all other girls. But people tell me i have great skin and i always tell them Oil of Olay Total effects is how i get it, i swear it is the best face cream ever.
KRISTEN: Do you plan on shooting more fashion work like you have in the future. It seems like you got so much excellent work out of school,was that do to determination at a hard core pace?
ELLEN: I have always been a hard worker. i think it is cause i'm dyslexic, which made me have to work 3 times as hard as any one else to catch up. I plan on still doing fashion and just shot 2 test for my book to help push me in that direction. i just need to figure out how to sleep less so i can get more done. 24 hours in a day is no where near enough time.
KRISTEN: Well thank you for sharing a tad bit of you time and stories of success with us. Do you have any advice for all the budding artist out there?
ELLEN: Do what makes you happy. when you're making art that answers only to your self you will be much happier and people will be drawn to that. that has always been my best work.
KRISTEN: Thank you Ellen I look forward to see what you come up with next with all that burning desire inside that eccentric pretty face and body of yourself.
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