Saturday, August 29, 2009


Ever have that not so fresh feeling?? Me too! If so this is the perfect hunt for you! Pulse and Sn@tch City present the Summer Freshness Hunt (aka the Douche Hunt) Dozens of stores on both sims are participating and you can't ask for more neat stuff in one place. No running around and searching under tables and flying in the sky to find the landmark to the next place, no business in a box crappy freebies. This is the good stuff made by our original creators. Just wander both sims and search for the colored douche bottles. Most are free and some are severely discounted stuff! I can personally promise you at least 20 free gifts from Sn@tch so come by this weekend Friday through Monday and get FRESH! Get all the details and a list of stores participating at
slurl -
Items are between $0-100

Here's the $0 items I picked up. As you can see there are a lot of items for guys too! I only picked up a fraction of the $0 items, so there are a ton not pictured and don't forget you can pick up some super deals while hunting for these great freebies.

Sn@tch City Douche Hunt

Sn@tch City -
Pulse -

Sale/hunt ends Monday!

Participating vendors:
[Gauze], A-Bomb, iRen, Harlot, HOocHiEs, Moonshine, !ReToX!, Sable Rose, Sn@tch, Souzou Eien, Virus, World Wide Industries, =forsaken=

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