Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gridwide Duckie Hunt

Gridwide Duckie Hunt ending Sept 31
Gridwide Duckie Hunt blog - http://gridwideduckiehunt.wordpress.com/
Starting Location - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Lionheart%20Pumbaa/39/235/28
Items $0
80 stores

Duck Hunt _1

Duck Hunt_2

Duck Hunt_3

See ETA for last series of pictures.

All items found are pictured.

A couple of questions that have been asked about hunts...

Were all items found?

How long did it take to complete?
First duck: Date: 08/31/2009 22:45:59
Last duck: Date: 09/01/2009 03:44:29
This includes hunting for some hunt items for other hunts inside participating stores.

Is there a list of participating stores?
Yes, touch any duck hunt sign and you will get a list of all participating stores including the store number and landmark.

Were folders labeled consistently?


Thanks for the questions guys. ^.^ I'll try and remember to include this info with each hunt. Remember if you have a question, comment, suggest, whatever please send me a NOTECARD - I do not check emails and ims will only make me cap and you will not get a response and I do mute people who leave me offline ims. You can tell if i'm online because my offer teleport button will be highlighted and clickable. If I'm online and this button isn't highlighted it's because I'm working offline and then you should drop me a notecard so I can respond when I do in fact look at the viewer again and have time to devote to giving you a proper response.

If I'm not responding to your notecards get a friend to drop your question on me. It's possible if you own a store which slams me with pop-ups upon landing I've muted you. ^^


At the request of mi pop owner Mikayla Ares the number 71 prize has been updated in the following picture:

Ducky Hunt_ 4_Edited

The duck that was out at the time I did the hunt and subsequently took photos was " the fake duckie not [the] real duckie". So here is an update. If you picked up the decoy duck, then check back at mi pop.

In the future I will NOT do updates of prizes, please label your items as decoys/fakes/tests. It takes a tremendous amount of time to do these hunts and take pictures of the prizes. You're more than welcome to comment on any post and point to your prize, it's number, include pictures, point to other freebie blogs, etc - whatever you deem necessary.

This is the original picture posted: (Larger)

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