Monday, May 23, 2011

Visigoth crown

Wow - I can't believe it's been 18 days since my last post, where did the time go?! I've got so much revision to be doing right now so i'll have to keep neglecting my blog until the end of June unfortunately :( So this is just a short post about something i came across yesterday:

It's a votive crown belonging to Recceswinth, king of the Visigoths that ruled the majority of Spain from the 5th to the Muslim conquest in the 8th century. This particular piece was made in the latter half of the 6th century and was part of the Treasure of Guarrazar that was dug up in an orchard in Guadamar, which is apparently very close to Toledo, Spain, between 1858 and 1861. A votive crown, by the way, is not supposed to be worn on one's head (i was very confused this at first - wondering how you'd manage having those dangly bits all over your face haha), they are supposed to be hung over an alter in church. But anyway, i think it's pretty amazing that this crown has survived so well after over 1000 years of being in the ground (scholars presume the treasure of guarrazar was buried in order to protect it from the invading Muslims)?! When i saw it, i immediatly thought how it could have easily been taken from one of the YSL jewellery collections:

See the resemblence? I love to see modern fashion that is so influenced by history. Recceswinth's crown is pure gold, encrusted with semi-precious stones. It is noticably influenced by the Byzantines (as is the rest of the treasure of guarrazar), but apparently the techniques of gem encrustation aswell as the lettering are typically Germanic. It really is beautiful.

Oh and before i end this post, if anyone fancies buying my this medieval ring off ebay, i would greatly appreciate it ;):

Haha, dream on Lucy...

Lots of love

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