I got an im this morning from Vry Offcourse (from Starf*cker skins) telling me about a new store that opened up in her shopping mall. I wasn't busy so I tped right over to see Free 4 Fae.
Now I'm not going to spoil it all for you guys, but I am going to show you some of the *amazing* outfits, wings, accessories, and furniture. I promise this is not all. There is more!

Fae 4 Free is the brainchild of designer ColeMarie Soleil. "[She] decided to do [Fae 4 free] after not being happy running [her] old line curious collections."
She decided to stop selling for a while, but then all her collection was just sitting in her inventory hidden away. So she started giving to friends, but then she generously decided to share it with everyone.
ColeMarie Soleil plans on adding to the Fae 4 Free store every week. She already has 45 items complete that she needs to take pictures of and upload. So don't forget to tip. Each upload cost $10 and she's already uploaded many pictures.
Don't forget there is also furniture and garden accessories available at Fae 4 Free. So definitely something for everyone!
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