So, I have to begin this blog by saying thankyou to my magnificent girlfriend Christieanna she gave me a giftcard to one of my favorite stores in SL, Muism (thankyou Nicholai for helping her choose) as a rezzday present. As a result, I had some shopping to do and saw there was some new items available!
So anyway I went around the entire store, grabbing a few items which I didn't already own and some of the new things that were out.

After Sending my NC off with my giftcard purchases, the amazingly talented Icemocolo Voom informed me he had new shoes he was releaseing today and kinda gave me a couple of pairs to sample as a gift (it is my rezzday afterall as it is Monday here already).

The shoes as you can see are sculpted sneakers that are very well detailed. They remind me of something I would wear in RL and they are quite impressive. As you all know I love to wear new shoes and these will go well with quite alot of the casual outfits I tend to wear from time to time.

As for the clothes, I got wayyyyy too much to actually depict here. So I went with clothes that would match the shoes the best, and pulled out my old biker pants I bought on release a while back, and they went well with the new shirt I bought.

So as you can see once again, Icemocolo has done an amazing job in creating some new items that look highly detailed and go well in combination with each other. I think that Christie's reaction to the new Leather Blazer and shirt look as "Thats Hot!!" says it all really.
Clothing in this blog from Muismhttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Muism/129/112/26*Muism* LS sneaker/Cream.Red
*Muism* LS sneaker/Grey
*Muism* Leather Blazer & Shirt
*Muism* Button Trouser/Green
*Muism* LB Trouser/Black.Gold
*Muism* T-shirt/Buzen_Red