The arrival of the Stiletto Moody BARE© has really stirred up a lot of discussion in the fashion community. Talk about who was first, who is or isn't revolutionary, and as usual about value for our Lindens spent. One thing I want to clarify before I launch into my review of this particular item, is the quotation provided by the Stiletto Moody team that suggests it was the first sculpted shoe in Second Life. The official press release contains the following "...the designer who brought sculpted shoes to Second Life introduces Stiletto Moody BARE ©...", at the time I included that in my Rumor Mill post I was relaying the leaked information as I had received it. And although I feel comfortable saying that Stiletto Moody is responsible for bringing the first hyper-realistic and highly detailed sculpted footwear to SL, I do believe it was not the first footwear to use sculpted components.

And now for the details of the new release, and all things considered, I do feel it warrants the buzz it has generated. We are talking about something that is a complete foot in shoe system, now i know there is something out there that has a foot and shoe, but Stiletto Moody has as always sought to go a bit further, the elegant ankle wrapped shoe, the wisp thin sole, the highest of heels, and a perfectly manicured and beautifully shaped foot and ankle are really sensational.

Something of this magnitude can only be fully realized with the special features that allow for custom skin matching, ankle fit resizing, complete toenail polish set and toe ring options, and then the usual bells and whistles associated with the SM brand. The ones shown here are the BARE Greta one of three new styles, and I found it fairly easy to match my skin tone (note these were done in a bit of a hurry, I could easily have fiddled more), and was positively blown away by the elegant look of the foot and wrapped ankle straps, the subtle shadows across the toes where the strap sits. I noticed very few glitches with the joining of the avatar body with the ankle/foot, particularly after I resized the ankle slightly. There is a nice range of shades here; Bad Seed Red, Black, Midnight, Silver, Gold and Taupe. An amazing bonus here is that these work extremely well with almost all of my standard and artistic modelling poses, the potential for photography is great here.
As with other SM releases, this one coincides with a 40% rebate at time of purchase sale for all previously released footwear. For more details on the 'Members Only' sale please join the Stiletto Moody group for access and information. (click images to enlarge.)
Stiletto Moody Main Location here.
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