Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Huntresses

There are a massive amount of hunts lately. I just have to take a moment to point out the excellent job done by 3 fellow bloggers. It's so easy to just pick out 3 or 4 outfits from hunts and feature them, but it's a real challenge to do a hunt and take 50-100-150 or even 200 pictures for just a couple of blog entries featuring the bulk of prizes in any one hunt.

The blog entries regarding hunts are a great service that allows those of us that don't have a lot of time to choose which hunts we find interesting and it allows the stores who participate in these hunts a platform for their items to be featured along side everyone else's prize contributions equally. Those of us that participate in doing these types of posts hope that it also gives participants a clear tangible indication of just how much effort each organizer puts into their respective hunts and thus an appreciation for not only the individual prizes, but for the time involved in organizing.

Please take a look at Schnappi's Hunt blog ( You'll find the New Year's Resolution Hunt, 40 below, JFTG, & Death Become's Her Hunts all featured this month.

Also, Dudda ( is back with a new look on her blog & has just completed the snail hunt and also the psychotic neko hunt. =D

We are lucky to have had Dudda's daughter volunteer to join us in sl and start a blog aimed at featuring freebies for kids. Stjarney has completed the Sweet Tooth hunt. Jarney also gets lots of tips telling her which items to pick up in other hunts that would be specifically useful for a kid avatar.

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