The Western Governments has focused too much on Muslims living in Western Countries in matters relating to terrorism that it has buried concerns over home-grown terrorism.
“The nature of the laws that we have already under the prevention of terrorism act... I wish it would be revised so that it is not discriminatory,” Noel Glynn told in an interview with a Iranian TV.
“So, as far as I am concerned, the anti-terrorism law is repressive.”
The European governments have been feeding fears of Islam through measures such as enforcing bans on face veils on the streets, all of which aimed at appeasing the non-Muslim majority about the continent's rising Muslim population.
Belgium has banned the Islamic face veil, for what authorities claim security reasons. France, which is house to the Western Europe's largest Muslim population, has a similar law, and Switzerland has banned new mosque minarets.
In Russia, the wall of a mosque in the town of Berezovsky was defaced overnight Friday with graffiti reading “Russia for Russians!” according to the website In France, Muslim cemeteries are regularly vandalized.
“In fact there has been the demonizing of Muslims ever since 9/11, and that is wrong,” he said.
Glynn also stressed that a Muslim man will more likely be considered as a potential terrorist in comparison to a white man.
“I agree that the powers that be are putting more emphasis” on terrorist portraying themselves as Muslim, “but they shouldn't,” said the Noel Glynn.